Searching the heatmap report
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Browsing the heatmap report
The heatmap report presents all the active projects in a selected period and their associated status reports for three months before, including the predicted status for the ongoing month.
Reporting the current and predicted periods
heatfolio allows portfolio reporting to focus on two periods: the current period, which refers to the entire status registered by a project at the end of the previous month (current status), and the predicted period, which allows a project manager
Project status options: on track, warning, issue, planned, completed and postponed
When reporting the status for a project in both the “Current status” and the “Predicted status” phases you will have to choose and option out of several. Let’s see what these mean.
Editing project status
A status report can be edited for a project only in the reporting timeframe and if you are assigned to the project as a project manager.
Submitting project status
A status report can be submitted for a project once every reporting period and if you are assigned to the project as a project manager.
What is the predicted status of a project?
The predicted status refers to the progress a project makes from the beginning of the ongoing month to the date of the status report.
What is the current status of a project?
The current status always refers to the status recorded at the end of the previous month in a reporting period.
Giving other users access to a project as a project viewer
You can give other users access to a project as project viewers, allowing those users to view status reports and project information.
What is the project completion rate?
The project completion rate is the project manager’s estimation of how the project is evolving and achieving its goals towards completion.