Managing users

You can shape your entire organisation in heatfolio and invite all the colleagues that will be part of the portfolio reporting process.

If you own the Administrator role, you can manage the workspace users from the “Settings” option (last item in the menu), by clicking on the “Users” link.

This page will list all your users, their assigned department and number of managed or proposed projects. You can see the user profiles by clicking the “Show” button or assign users to other departments or roles through the “Edit” button.

You can disable a user and prevent his access to the workspace by clicking the “Edit” button and unchecking the “User enabled” option. After this action, the according user will not be able to login into heatfolio anymore until its user is enabled again.

In case you would like to delete a user, this can be achieved only if it has no projects assigned to it as either a project manager or a project proponent. First, reassign all the projects to other users and then click the “Show” button and the “Delete” button.